PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - December 2020
Paso Robles Public Educators Minutes for Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting via ZOOM Monday 12/7/20 at 3:30 pm.
Present: Jim Lynett (Executive Director); Fred Kloepper (PRPE President/Liberty Rep.); Justin Pickard (PRPE President Elect); Melissa Flickinger (6-12 Vice president); Nancy Mayer (TK-5 Vice President); Diane Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); John Hutchings (FMS Treasurer); Susan Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); Sabrina Hamilton (Membership Chair); Jillian Jaeger (KK Representative); Starr Wilder (VP Representative); Cynthia Mosely (GB Representative); Melena Smirl (PB Representative); Chris Cardenas (LMS Representative); Peggy Diaz (TAABS Representative); Nichole Vengoechea (PRHS Representative); Bernadette Boddington (SPED Representative); Suzy Parks (Teacher); Ally Lochhead (Teacher); Esmeralda Madonna (Teacher); Carolina Castillo (Teacher); Nora Vasquez (Teacher); Nicole Stanton (Teacher); Michelle Keil (Teacher); Kristin Usilton (Teacher); Nicole Delbar (TOSA)
I Approval of minutes from the November Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Fred K./John H.)
II Treasurer’s Report: (John Hutchings)
There is about $100k in carry over
Motion to approve treasurer's report: Approved (Fred K/Nancy M.)
III Membership Chair – Sabrina Hamilton (Email list, Membership Drive)
302 members
1 teacher resigned; 1 new hire joined PRPE
IV. Unfinished business/Updates
Certification of PRPE Election Results
President (elected for a two year term beginning 1/1/21 and ending 12/31/22)
Justin Pickard
TK-5 Vice-President (elected for a two year term beginning 1/1/21 and ending 12/31/22) – Nancy Mayer – 120 (98.4%)
The following positions are elected for one year terms according to PRPE Bylaws beginning 1/1/21 and ending 12/31/21.
Treasurer - John Hutchings – 119 (97.5%)
Corresponding Secretary – Susan Whedbee – 120 (98.4%)
Recording Secretary – Diane Harris – 121 (99.2%)
At Large SPED Representative – Bernadette Boddington – 120 (98.4%)
The following positions constitute the PRPE Representative Council and are elected for one year terms according to PRPE Bylaws beginning 1/1/21 and ending 12/31/21.
Site Representatives :
Georgia Brown Elementary (Separate Election with 22 electors (14 voters or 63.6%) – Cynthia Mosely
The Arts Academy at Bauer-Speck Elementary – Peggy Diaz
Pat Butler Elementary– Melena Smirl
Virginia Peterson Elementary – Starr Wilder
Winifred Pifer Elementary – No nomination or election.
Kermit King Elementary – Jillian Jaeger
Lewis Middle School – Chris Cardenas
Flamson Middle School – Katrina Bradshaw
Paso Robles High School – Matt Carroll and Nicole Vengoechea
(Both candidates are elected from PRHS because there are two positions according to PRPE Bylaws)
Motion to accept and certify the election results: Approved (Fred K./John H.)
a) Negotiations (“Struggling Students”, Secondary Hybrid Schedules)
Discussion about SPED, Hybrid MOU’s and DL side letter
Concerns about 36 students in Edgenuity classes
Concerns about SPED teachers providing students instruction both hybrid and DL at secondary level
No MOU agreement for secondary PE with regards to hybrid
Discussion about struggling students;
Concerns about teachers at middle school teaching hybrid and DL and what the schedule will be
b) Hybrid Option B Distance Learning
Concerns about DL at the elementary level
Concerns about Edgenuity program and appropriate training
Concerns about having enough teachers to cover all the learning models
Classes should not be above contract limits if not using Edgenuity or Accelerated Learning; talk with principals; email Jim if too many students
Seniors need special attention
c) District Reopening Plan/3 week Winter Break
Calendar adjusted; 3 week winter break; start back January 11, 2021
After Dec. 31, CAL OSHA has stated you get paid after your sick leave is used up for Covid
d) 6-12 Issues Mellissa Flickinger
Concerns about having to be on campus for DL
If you have a positive Covid test, you cannot return until you have a negative test
e) TK-5 Issues – Nancy Mayer
Many concerns; sending email to Jim, Fred, Justin
Class sizes, lack of breaks, concerns about chemicals in new sanitizing products
Can the teacher provide DL if your entire class has to quarantine?
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Working on updating
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Communication (Justin Pickard PRPE President-Elect)
Want to streamline meetings and communication
Google classroom can be effective for member engagement
Fred is the website controller
Add newsletter to website
Set up social media and possibly offer a stipend if made into a position
Would like meeting links sooner and to adjust agendas
Creating a new feedback form to improve communication; site reps give feedback to Exec. Pres. and President to include information for the agenda and can be formulated to include those ideas
Want negotiation team to have an equal voice; possibly add more elementary teachers
New School Board
New MOU’s need to be identified and organized; need to be current on our website
Website needs to be update regularly
b) MAP Testing/iReady Diagnostic
District needs to document learning loss
District has chosen these testing sites
Concerns about testing and its validity
Concerns about using data for LCAP
Concerns about testing in December
c) Distance Learning Update/Equipment/Network Issues
Connectivity issues continue; email Jim and send a copy to site administrator
d) Executive Director Contract
Discussion regarding contract and the responsibilities of the position
Motion to approve James Lynett as PRPE Executive Director: Approved (Chris C./Bernadette B.)
e) Leaves, Resignations and Retirements
Can be a case by case basis
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
$26 billion state is getting one time money; COLA 1.5%; Lompoc is getting a 3% bonus with the CARES Act monies
April 1 is next negotiation cycle
CFT Presidents’ retreat Jan 28-29, 2021
Car Insurance can be adjusted with decreased driving
Increase in classified employees becoming certificated employees
CAL OSHA website has Covid guidelines
Alternative Ed
Motion to approve Fred Kloepper as Alternative Ed representative: Approved (Diane H./Sabrina H.)
Has there been news about TAABS closing? No answer yet
Concerns about sick students and returning to school
Discussion about Prep time-Mondays and between groups (not lunch time)
Will there be a Golden Handshake
Discussions with Terry Holland and teaching in-person and DL
Med Post will test for Covid
No Rep
Nothing to report
Concerns about involuntary reassignment to DL and not being able to return to current position
Concerns about hybrid schedule and Edgenuity
Concerns about staffing and hybrid
Concerns about hybrid schedule and Edgenuity
Concerns about certificated staff not wearing masks
Sent concerns to Nancy
Protocols not clear with possible exposure situations
Concerns about numbers of students in in-person classes in each group--initial numbers presented are 25 in a group; may not work due to space and with class size rule of 35 total on roster
50% decrease in students on campus
Not able to get bathroom breaks; not enough staffing
Should SPED students be going in and out of different classes on campus with different students from other classes? Varies case by case depending on IEP
Things are going well with Hybrid so far
Communications meeting Wednesday at 3:30
Next Meeting: January 11, 2020 Via Zoom
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)
PAC monies given to Jim Cogan and Dr. Goodman campaigns ($750 each and CTA matched those funds)
Meeting adjourned 6:51