PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - November 2020
Paso Robles Public Educators Minutes for Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting via ZOOM 11/02/2020
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Minutes
Jim Lynett (Executive Director), Fred Kloepper (President), Melissa Flickinger (6-12 Vice President), Nancy Mayer (TK-5 Vice President), John Hutchings (Treasurer), Diane Harris (Recording Secretary), Sabrina Hamilton (Membership Chair), Susan Whedbee-Silva (Corresponding Secretary), Peggy Diaz (TAABS Representative), Suzy Farrell (WP Representative), Nicole Vengoechea (PRHS Representative), Starr Wilder (VP Representative), Jillian Jaeger (KK Representative), Kristin Usilton (GB Representative), Justin Pickard (PRHS Representative), Bernadette Boddington (SPED Representative), Virna Ezzell (GB Representative), Chris Cardenas (LMS Representative), Melena Smirl (PB Representative), Nicole Vengoechea (PRHS Representative), Alisha Lewis (Liberty Teacher), Nicole Wahl (FMS SPED Teacher), Nicole Stanton (Teacher), Ketelynn Lamb (PRHS Teacher), Geof Land (PRHS Teacher), Daniel Parks (FMS Teacher), Christopher Smith (PRHS Teacher), Cynthia Mosely (GB Teacher), Megan Healy (LMS), Sarah Lomanto (FMS Teacher), Monika Jagger (Teacher), Nora Vasquez (GB Teacher), Denise Conte (PRHS Teacher)
I Approval of minutes from the October Meeting
Motion to approve June minutes: Approved (Fred K./Bernadette B.)
II Treasurer’s Report: (John Hutchings)
Explanation of expenditures and Executive Director’s salary
Motion to approve Treasurer's report: Approved (Melissa F./Chris C.)
III Membership Chair – Sabrina Hamilton (Email list, Membership Drive)
204 members, increased by 11 members--Site reps have list
Some have been noted “declined” and cannot vote on contract items
If left blank, you can contact employee to see about joining union
IV. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (“Struggling Students”, Secondary Hybrid Schedules)
Waiver approved, TK-5 will bo returning to in-person instruction
MOU for middle schools and high school regarding struggling students-to start 11/3-12/18
Unclear definition of “struggling student”
Students not attending and many students have D’s anf F’s--many students throughout the state are in the same situation
6-8 does not have tutorial currently; would like to prioritize lowest students first; GPA drop is not the same as HS
Discussion about 6-12 MOU regarding return of “struggling students”
HS would like to prioritize most at risk students, highest number of indicators (criteria), tiered system, seniors first, etc
Middle school and HS should have different MOU’s; very different needs
Secondary Hybrid schedule to be discussed at negotiation mtg 11/3
Concerns about Hybrid schedule
Discussion about concerns of Covid surge and what would cause a shut-down
Some Covid test results not out; next test will be 11/30 and 12/16
Discussed concerns about schedule for middle schools and HS
Concerns about logistics of schedule for middle schools and HS
Concerns about the issues of bussing/transportation
b) Hybrid Option B MOU/Ratification
191-Yes, 26-No
c) District Reopening Plan
Available on district website
Public Health approved waiver, TK-5 can be kept open no matter what tier the county is on regarding the pandemic
Does not apply to secondary
d) 6-12 Issues Mellissa Flickinger
Discussed above
Concerns about students/families being prepared for what to expect when in-person learning resumes
Concerns about what DL will be starting January, Edgenuity (SP???)
e) TK-5 Issues – Nancy Mayer
Kinder starts 11/3
Materials not ready for DL elementary teachers remaining on DL
Concerns about how DL teachers were selected at different sites and returning to positions when a teacher has not chosen DL; get it in writing as involuntary transfer/reassignment/placement
Concerns about what in-person instruction will look like at some sites
What will minimum days be like for parent conferences, etc.
No contracted specific times for start and stop, but we are contracted 7 hours and 35 minutes a day; and the state mandates the instructional minutes per grade level
Unclear about whether a teacher’s child can go with parent on Mondays; can vary from site to site; it is addressed in MOU 1c (5)
Concerns about SPED groups with in-person learning
Is there a district protocol about teacher traveling during breaks, NO
Are there guidelines about paper use with collecting and grading, etc.?
County guidelines are that there is to be no sharing of anything
Can non-porous material be disinfected for the next group to use?
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Getting new email list
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody currently in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Distance Learning Update/Equipment/Network Issues
Varies by school site
Ask your principal to see where your school is with improved bandwidth
b) PRPE Elections/Nominating Process/Timeline
Only one position is not up for election----6-12 VP, all others up for election
A nominating window will open this week
Elections will be Nov. 16-20
Jim will send out job descriptions for positions
c) General Election Update Get Out the Vote! (GOTV)
Prop 15 is important for our district
PRPE has endorsed 4 school board candidates
d) SLO County Public Health Issues
Jennifer Shay is our liaison
An email was sent to her regarding the schedule that was sent to her and the changes that were made last minute
Concerns about district staying open if county goes back to purple tier
e) Leaves, Resignations and Retirements
CSTRS consultation to look at what retirement will look like for each individual
Resignations need to be placed with Jen Gaviola; if you’re in high need position and it’s hard to fill, your resignation can be denied and you can be held to your contract; case by case basis; credential can be revoked for the remainder of your contract
School board has to approve leaves
June 30 is the final date to say whether or not you are returning the following year
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Officers: nothing to report
Concerns about handwashing stations
Where will teachers go durning breaks/sanitizing, etc?
A list of 21 concerns was submitted to Terry Holland
Concerns about crossing cohorts
Concerns about DL teachers and returning to original positions
PB: Nothing to report
Concerns about specialty classes and being sanitized
Where will students go during breaks?
Concerns about hybrid logistics
Possible creating a committee to help with logistics with hybrid
Concerns about travel during breaks and quarantining when returning
Concerns about the county going back to purple and not shutting down schools
Tool kits being rolled out for students to check out for use at home
Concerns about sharing of playground equipment
Can students play 4-square?
Some teachers are having allergic reactions to fogging chemicals (hives, etc.); go to primary care and documentation should be taken to HR
What can parents do if they decide to change from in-person to DL once school resumes
Concerns about curriculum for DL
Concerns about breaks during Hybrid model; playground supervisors, etc.
Sharing playground equipment
Alternative Ed:
Staff worked with admin to create plan for site
Adjourned: 6:23
Next Meeting: December 7, 2020 Via Zoom
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)