PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - October 2020
Paso Robles Public Educators Minutes for Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting via ZOOM 10/05/2020
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Minutes
Jim Lynett (Executive Director), Fred Kloepper (President), Melissa Flickinger (6-12 Vice President), Nancy Mayer (TK-5 Vice President), Sabrina Hamilton (Membership Chair), Susan Whedbee-Silva (Corresponding Secretary), Peggy Diaz (TAABS Representative), Suzy Farrell (WP Representative), Starr Wilder (VP Representative), Jillian Jaeger (KK Representative), Bernadette Boddington (SPED Representative), Chris Cardenas (Lewis Rep), Melena Smirl (PB Representative), Jessica Hoyt, Carli Bradshaw (PRHS Teacher), Heather Scandalis (VP Teacher), Nora Vasquez (GB Teacher), Megan Heely, Justin Pickard (PRHS Representative), Sadie Pedron, Stormy Capalare (Homeschool Teacher)
I Approval of minutes from the September Meeting
Motion to approve June minutes: Approved (Melissa F./Fred K.)
II Treasurer’s Report: (John Hutchings)
No income for September
New expenditures
$750 went to each school board candidate endorsed by PRPE-2 of the 4 declined the $
Motion to approve Treasurer's report: Approved (Chris C./Justin P.)
III Membership Chair – Sabrina Hamilton (Email list, Membership Drive)
Reps have been collecting members’ personal emails for ratification vote and for other union related emails
Some have declined to give personal emails, so that is noted with “declined”
Monthly dues are $110
Union benefits include: lobbyist, legal benefits, negotiations, Ken Stevens and another CFT rep.
IV. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Small groups, Waiver)
Small groups of in-person instruction have begun: ALC/TLC/medically fragile-no MOU or negotiations needed
Waiver only applies to elementary and has no connection to the tier of Covid that we are in
Waiver applications have been submitted--does not have to be negotiated, law say “consultation”
b) Option B MOU/Ratification (Private Email addresses)
On Wednesday at 1:30 ratification vote being sent out
Option B needs PRPE approval
Board meeting 10/6/2020 at 4:00 to approve move to hybrid, but dependent of Dr. Borenstein
If approved, our 20 day window for negotiations begins for TK-5 only
Motion to approve ratification vote for any general hybrid MOU, excluding schedules: Approved (Starr W./Nancy M.)
Issues addressed: safety, criteria for return, planned start, student issues, paraeducator issues, teacher expectations, personal issues, parent and district issues
Vote needs to be taken on personal technology with personal emails.
Motion to encumber $500 for the voting process: Approved (Fred K./Chris C.)
Contract with Simply Voting will be used for the remainder of the year
c) District Listening Sessions/Reopening Timelines
TK-2 wants to go back in November
Full timeline will be discussed on MOU
d) 6-12 Issues Mellissa Flickinger (Counselor issues)
Discussion of tutorial at middle schools
Reps are exploring options and will look into voting
High school leaving it to teacher discretion; not getting the student investment needed
High school will want to vote when going to hybrid
Will go to a vote
e) TK-5 Issues – Nancy Mayer
Concerns addressed earlier in meeting
Nancy is creating a possible outline for PT conferences to share with sites
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Sent out information to members regarding school board candidates
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody currently in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Distance Learning Update/Equipment/Network Issues
Technology still not installed/upgraded
Suppose to be installed/operational by 10/31
b) Preparation Time/Extra Work/Attendance Procedures
Included above
c) Membership Outreach
Included above
d) MAPS Testing Report
Middle school and high school administered
Many students did not complete testing
e) Coronavirus Planning and Safety
included above
f) School Board Candidate Campaign
PRPE offered $750 to each school board member endorsed, only 2 took it-Jim Cogan and Greg Goodman; Caitlyn Vierra and Nathan Williams declined
All 4 candidates accepted our endorsement
Members encouraged to share endorsements with friends and family
Mailers going out to 10,000 voters and posted on social media
Important election for PRJUSD
g) “Patriotic Exercises” EC 52720
Includes Pledge of Allegiance, patriotic songs, Bill of Rights, Constitution, patriotic quotes, etc.
h) SPED One-on One Assessments
System in place is working well
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
SPED: covered above
WP: nothing to report
PB: nothing to report
FMS: nothing to report
LMS: nothing to report
KK: nothing to report
small group CTE approved-voluntary only (extra time for hands-on)
Adding another Rep; PRHS now has 4 Reps
GB: no rep present at this time
VP: Concerns have been addressed
BS: Concerns about furniture in the new building, who is purchasing it?
Misc: Motion to approve spending $168 for Constant Contact for the year: Approved (Chris C./ Melissa F.)
Next Meeting: November 2, 2020 Via Zoom
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)