PRPE Executive Director Report - July/August 2020
7/1/20 – I participated in the PRJUSD Reopening Staff Taskforce Meeting.
7/7/20 – I met with Jeff Frietas the CFT President.
7/9/20 – I attended a SLO County CTA Regional Meeting
7/10/20 – I attended the Capitol Advisors/SLOCOE Budget Perspectives Meeting
7/16/20 – I attended a PRPE/PRJUSD Negotiations Meeting
7/21/20 – I attended a PRPE Negotiations Team Meeting
7/22/20 – I attended a PRPE/PRJUSD Negotiations Meeting
7/27/20 – I met with Deputy Superintendent Jen Gaviola about a variety of issues.
7/28/20 – I attended a CA CDE training on LCAP Lite.
7/29/20 – I met with a teacher and an administrator about an issue.
7/30/20 – I met with a teacher about an issue.
7/31/20 – I met with a group of SPED teachers about a variety of issues.
8/12/20 – I attended the PRPE/PRJUSD SPED MOU Negotiations Session.
8/13/20 – I attended the PRPE session of the new teacher orientation.
8/14/20 – I attended a PRJUSD meeting about attendance.
8/17/20 – I attended a meeting with a teacher and an administrator about an issue.
8/18/20 – I attended a meeting with a teacher and an administrator about an issue.
8/21/20 – I attended a PRPE/PRJUSD Meeting about middle school tutorial.
8/26/20 – I attended a PRPE/PRJUSD Meeting about SPED.