PRPE Executive Director Report - February 2020
2/3/20 – I met with PRJUSD Deputy Superintendent, Jen Gaviola, about a variety of issues. I attended the regular monthly PRPE Meeting at Pat Butler Elementary School.
2/5/20 – I attended the regular monthly PRPE/PRJUSD Communications Meeting.
2/6/20 – I met with the superintendent about a variety of issues.
2/11/20 – I attended the PRJUSD School Board Meeting.
2/13/20 – I attended the PRPE/PRJUSD Elementary SPED taskforce Meeting.
2/19/20 – I met with two administrators about a variety of issues.
2/25/20 – I attended the regular PRJUSD School Board Meeting
2/26/20 – I met with the superintendent about a variety of issues.