PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - June 2020
Present: J. Lynett (Executive Director); F. Kloepper (President/Liberty Rep.); D. Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); N. Mayer (PB; Membership Chair); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President); P. Diaz (TAABS Representative); B. Boddington (SPED Representative); C. Bradshaw (PRHS Representative); C. Wright (LMS Representative); S. Farrell (WP Representative); V. Ezzell (GB Representative); S. Young (VP Teacher)
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Minutes
I Approval of minutes from the April Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Fred K./Diane H.)
II Treasurer’s Report: (John Hutchings)
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Diane H./Susan W.)
John is sending stipend checks to residences this week; if your check is not the correct amount, contact John
Reps make sure to tell John how many meetings you attended
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations/Budget
State budget is $54 billion down
District needs a budget by June 30, 2020; state by June 15
Discussion regarding possible layoffs; up to 5 furlough days; freezing step and column; reduce budget by $2 million by June 30
Budget will be in the negative; no reserves; hoping to get money from the Feds
No signed budget by state still; many districts are in similar situations
Probably go to impasse
Concerns about layoffs, sped credentials/interns
Probably will lose VAPA and PE TK-3
5 days after state budget is signed, they can layoff up until August 15
Negotiation team: Jenny Martinez, Nancy Mayer, John Hutchings, Jim Lynett, Stephenie Walker, Melissa Flickenger, Ken Stevens,
Negotiation team will decide on chair person and additional member
10% cut in funding by state
June 30 is final date to resign
Lots of unknowns
b) Grievances
There are none at this time
c) Survey
Parent Survey: 450 parents want to continue distance learning for 2020-21
Concerns about returning to school
Jim has a draft of survey for employees; discussion; confidential; regarding DL
Concerns about distance learning, grading, and holding kids accountable
Subscribe to Edsource: Webinar 1-2 on June 2; June 3 from 1-2
d) 6-12 Issues Mellissa Flickinger (Sabrina Hamilton)
Concerns about District survey not being anonymous
Concerns about returning to school and the logistics of it
Concerns about grading practices with distance learning
Concerns about safety measures not being followed by students
Concerns about google meet and quality of it; students need more extensions added to accommodate distance learning
Who is going to be in charge of technology next year
Concerns about the seniority list and corrections that need to be made; district said they make corrections only once a year; if you’re concerned, ask at the DO
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker (Grade 6 Re-configuration)
Concerns about what school will look like in primary grades
PRJUSD communications meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 3:30; invite from Theresa Barden
District decides whether or not to open for 2020-21; State sends guidelines and suggestions
Concerns about pay cuts and what schools will look like next year
Concerns about the mental health of the teachers and staff
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Nothing happening at this time
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Layoffs Update
Possible layoffs due to state budget; have until August 15
b) Administration reorganization/Involuntary transfers (PRHS, TK-3 VAPA/PE)
c) Coronavirus Planning
Several committees have been formed
d) Distance Learning
e) Closing School
Guidance from administrators
f) Reopening school
Unclear at this time
g) School Board Candidate Process
4 seats up for election: Stephanie Ulibarre; Joan Summers, Joel Peterson, Chris Bausch
Candidates need to have paperwork in by August 9
PRPE School Board Interview and Endorsement Committee: John, Fred, Sabrina, Starr, Carli, Susan W.
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
CTA workshops will be virtual over the summer
Nothing to report
Closing of school has gone well
Nothing to report
Financial hardship layoff window; August 15
What is the criteria for seniority if hired on the same day? Training and other experience, competency criteria, supplemental authorization
If there are mistakes on seniority list, contact Yvette Reynoso
Not everyone is on the seniority list, ex. counselors, nurses; possibly on other lists
Concerns that parent survey and emails go out that the teachers do not know about it or see ahead of time
Rooms were rekeyed and new lounge fobs distributed; concerns about the cost of this considering district’s financial situation
Same concerns about how school will look in the fall
Gates were rekeyed
Nothing to report
A district 7/11 committee was formed and will be making recommendations for 2021-22 regarding the closure, movement of TAABS
Nothing to report
Staff is overwhelmed
Zoom meeting regarding DL scheduled for Wednesday at 3:30
No Rep
Next Meeting: August TBD (Check all your emails!)
Adjourned: 6:13
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)