PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - April 2020
Present: J. Lynett (Executive Director); F. Kloepper (President/Liberty Rep.); D. Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); M. Flickinger (Liberty; 6-12 Vice President); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); N. Mayer (PB; Membership Chair); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President); P. Diaz (TAABS Representative); B. Boddington (SPED Representative); B. Woods (WP Representative); C. Bradshaw (PRHS Representative); V. Ezzell (GB Representative); C. Wright (LMS Representative); K. Stevens (CTA Representative); B. Ezzell (TAABS Teacher); J. Martin (Teacher)
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Minutes
I Approval of minutes from the March Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (John H./Carli B.)
II Treasurer’s Report: (John Hutchings)
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Diane H./Melissa F.)
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
Need current private emails
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Sunshine, MOUs Stipends)
No Sunshine Proposal at this time
Budget is unclear at this time
No May revise
Waiting to see unaudited actuals
b) Grievances
c) Surveys
Will not present the Moral and Negotiation Surveys at this time
Possibly make a Distance Learning Survey
Suggested that district may want to look into a retirement package
d) 6-12 Issues – Melissa Flickinger
SPED stipend was handled
Concerns about administration’s expectations being too high; need to show compassion
Concerns about receiving stipends; make sure to log your work to maintain full stipend
Email Jen Gaviola if you have questions regarding stipends
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker (Grade 6 Re-configuration)
Distance learning is challenging for TK-2
Concerns about moving 6th grade to elementary sites and moving TAABS is too much all at once
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Nothing to report
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR at this time
VI.New Business
a) Layoff (1 requested hearing)
Two layoffs, 1 at the high school and 1 at elementary music
1 has requested a hearing; CTA lawyer
Permanent teacher can request a hearing
With the layoff at the high school, Career Ed Tech program at the high school will be eliminated; concerns about students currently on that pathway not being able to complete it if program is eliminated
May 15-layoffs become final; can rescind before that date
b) Administration reorganization/Involuntary transfers (PRHS, TK-3 VAPA/PE)
Chief Academic Officer and Director of Curriculum and Instruction have both submitted resignations
Discussion about possible charter school; a petition has already been filed; district has 90 days to decide; has been rejected in the past; prior reason for rejection was programmatic--their programs do not match our schools' programs
PRPE suggests to reject charter school petition
If school board accepts petition for charter school, County Superintendent could overrule board’s decision based on our qualified budget status
Chris Bausch and Stephanie Ulibarri have recused themselves from charter school decision--conflict of interest
⅘ have to reject due to 7 board members
TAABS Option 2--Move TK-K to other school sites for 2020-21 school year and in 2021-22 move remaining students to other sites
Concerns about personnel and how the district will handle the move/closure, etc
Nothing in Ed Code to prevent a school closure
PRPE remains neutral on the decision
District Advisory Committee would have to decide on extra property
Involuntary transfers--PRPE has not been notified of any at this time; check with colleagues to see if any have occurred; if so, make sure it states “involuntary transfer” in writing--there’s contract language regarding involuntary transfers
Changes within a site are called “reassignments”
District wants to reduce VAPA for TK-3 to fewer days
STRS--based on number of years on the salary schedule
c) Coronavirus Planning
Concerns about reopening schools and when staff will be notified when or if schools will/will not reopen for 2019-20 school year
d) Distance Learning
Concerns about daily outlined proposed by the district
Make sure to provide work for students
TK-5 would like packets available for those who need it
PRPE would like to follow larger districts’ leads for distance learning, school closures, etc.
Log weekly attendance
Keep track of work, communications, etc.
e) SPED Issues
There was an email sent out with SPED guidelines
IEP guidelines still in effect
Stipends are still allowed
Concerns about high school SPED students not connecting with SPED teachers in google classroom, but are connecting with regular ed classrooms
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Nothing to report
Concerns about district not organizing grade level cadres to tackle distance learning
Need packets for students without internet and need to know how that work will be compiled; about 20 students
TLC teachers are overextended; 16 google classrooms to manage for their caseloads; want to be in compliance
Nothing to report
Concerns about remaining classroom budgets on hold; would like to use money to get supplies to students
TK-5 should all get prep 5 days/week; similar numbers of students; should be equal prep time for all
Concerns about students’ things still in desks; would like to pack up desks and handout to students
TK-5 should all get prep 5 days/week; similar numbers of students; should be equal prep time for all
Would like to see food distribution at Flamson and the high school, not culinary; easier for families on west side of town
Concerns about proposed closure options
Discussed above
Would like to get consumables to students without internet
Nothing to report
Questions about overage pay; how to track attendance by period
Would like overages based on quarters, not semesters
Would like new-comer class to be same ratio as a SPED class; now cap is 32; currently 26 students; major concern about number of students
Next Negotiation Meeting April 7 at 2:30--Zoom
Regarding MOU for Distance Learning
Next PRPE Meeting: 5/4/20 Zoom
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)