PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - March 2020
Monday March 2 @ 3:30 pm in Kermit King Room 801
Present: J. Lynett (Executive Director); F. Kloepper (PRPE President); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President); M. Flickinger (Liberty; 6-12 Vice President); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); B. Woods (WP/Negotiations Representative); P. Diaz (TAABS Representative); B. Boddington (SPED Representative); M. Delbar (PRHS Representative); C. Bradshaw (PRHS Representative); C. Wright (LMS Representative);
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Guest: Dr. Curt Dubost - PRJUSD Superintendent
Dr. Dubost answered to questions from the membership
How many layoffs are predicted?
all temporary certificated will be notified with no guarantee of rehire
a maximum of 5 probationary (most likely 3) will receive notifications. Programs cut are under enrolled classes at PRHS.
no permanent staff will be cut.
Will there be cuts at the DO?
No Central Administration cuts are planned. Two Site Administrators will be let go.
Declining enrollment
Two elementary (VP and BS) have projected enrollment under 400 students. Each MS has a projected decline of 40/50 students.
studies project a decline and a slight increase to flat
high cost of housing is the cause of decline
information about projected enrollment will be made available online
At present there are no plans to close schools. Very likely the boundaries will be redrawn.
New housing developments
Construction will soon begin at the site across from WP, near Food 4 Less. Estimated completion is in two years. Student population growth projections do not indicate the need to open another school
Will the COE continue to be involved in decision making?
Yes, this is a 3 year process. We are still in qualified status. Diana Larson will continue to be involved in Negotiations
Can we have another dual immersion program?
No, we can’t find enough Spanish speaking staff and students for another site.
District is considering another option.
Can we expect a raise?
No, we are expecting a COLA increase but the funds are going to benefits and the reserve.
Grade reconfiguration
No final decision for the next school year, there are many issues to be discussed.
grade reconfiguration will cause some reduction in staff, it is easier to have a self contained class than a compartmentalized sixth grade
Is this a Paso only problem?
Many big Districts including LA, SD and Oakland are facing big reductions. Paso is planning to make mindful decisions and slow cuts
Program Reductions
Projected reduction in electives at PRHS. At the elementary level programs will not be cut, but there will be a reduction in days.
Retirement incentive
not planned for the next 5 years
How will budget restraint affect Liberty and Independence?
will be looking at referral process for Liberty and Independence
considering a “hybrid” HomeSchool program. We will not be recruiting from other districts.
Opportunity Program at WP
So far there is only a very small class and wellness class. There is aÂÂ need to fine tune the program. The VP Wellness center is successful
There are no guarantees on the permanence of the program
lack of drivers is the primary reason for cuts
SPED, Transportation and Food services
Food services issue is being resolved. If we have 55% unduplicated (free and reduced lunch) for 3 years in a row we will receive extra funds
transportation - 1.9 million encroachment. SPED transportation can not be cut
SPED - 8.5 million encroachment. Lawsuit compensation comes from the General Fund. SELPA is returning programs to the District because we can run them at a lower cost. The creation of a SELPA North is being considered. Salud Carbajal is fighting to get the Federal Govt to fully fund SPED
Admin for IEPs at the HS
a part time administrator is being considered.
I Approval of minutes from the February Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Melissa F. and B. Woods)
II Treasurer’s Reports: John Hutchings
John presented the treasurer's report, Jim L presented the 2019-2020 budget and stipend list.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Sue W and Carly B)
Motion to approve budget 2019-2020: Approved (Fred K and Bridget W)
Motion to approve stipend list: Approved (Fred K. and Peggy D.)
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
not present at the meeting
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Elementary SPED, Transportation, Programs, Stipends)
Elementary Task force completed. A Behavior Specialist and two paraeducators will be hired to support Gen Ed teachers with behavioral outbursts.
Low survey participation made it difficult to assess staff needs. Discussed not getting adequate information prior to receiving surveys
By May 15 State will receive tax receipts. State Budget to be released by June 15. We will know then what funds are being disbursed how the funds will be used.
Tomorrow there will be an LCAP meeting at the DO from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
Discussion regarding re-configuration of middle school/elementary schools from current to TK-6 and 7-8; or TK-5, 6th, and 7-8
Concerns about impact/space at elementary sites with re-configuration
b) Grievances
None at this time
c) Surveys
We will be working on Discipline and Morale Surveys
Melissa F created two admin surveys, one for Site Administrators and one for Central Administration Personnel. Officers will respond to the Administrative Surveys and discuss it at the next meeting.
d) 6-12 Issues – Melissa Flickinger
Nothing to report
Carly B presented to issue of truancy and absenteeism at PRHS
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker (Grade Re-configuration)
Grade Re-configuration discussed and how this will affect sites, behaviors and administrators
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
The next Digital Newsletter will be released 03/20
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Layoffs
On March 5th the list of positions to be cut (Reduction in Force) will be released. Probationary teachers will be notified by March 15. 4/30 Probationary teachers may not be re-elected. Positions to be cut, currently occupied by permanent teachers, will be limited to electives at PRHS (CTE, Ag, Foreign Language)
Some admin positions will also be reduced
transportation will be reduced
b) Reorganization/Involuntary Transfers
teachers and administrators currently in positions slated to be cut will have the option to return to classroom positions they are credentialed for
discussed how the projected reductions in VAPA/PE will affect TK-3 prep periods
c) Coronavirus planning
There is a possibility that we will be facing school closures
secondary teachers should be prepared to teach online
primary teachers should prepare packages to take home
d) Spring Social Event
Scheduled for Pappi McGregor’s for March 20 3:30-5:00
e) Election Day tomorrow
Paso will possibly receive 18 million Dollars from Prop 13 funds. Vote YES on 13
f) Catastrophic Leave Bank
One request. Motion to approve 30 day block of catastrophic leave Bank: Approved (Christine W and Melissa F)
g) RA Election
Fred K passed ballots for the NEA RA delegate election to all reps. Two local candidates are on the ballot, Bernadette Boddington and Sabrina Hamilton
i) Miscellaneous Business
Brian Gong (Channel Islands Service Center) - former Bearcat, teacher at Santa Maria SD is working on creating an equity team. He is looking for advocates. If interested please contact briansgong@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call him at (805) 674-3686
Jim L communicated that his laptop is no longer supporting new upgrades and is in need of a new laptop
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Maria Garcia has knowledge of community members willing to run for School Board
School Psychologist is shared with PK assessment team. This reduces her ability to appropriately serve the needs of either team. There is a backlog on assessments at BS
PK needs a dedicated School Psychologist
SLPs need revised salary schedule and caseload issues addressed to promote recruitment of personnel. Currently there are three teletherapists and one contracted therapist which cost more than regular staff to the District. PRPE will support SLPs in making a case to amend salary schedule and structure caseloads
Rep gone
Rep left
discussed lack of subs and reassignment of subs. Staff is asked to provide coverage. Teachers are not allowed to pick subs. Permanent sub is not always available
Subs are pulled to cover classes outside of their assignment during prep time of their original assignment
Multiple truancies and absences reported
54 scholarship applications were received, 2 scholarships will be awarded.
Parameters suggested include granting scholarships to future teachers and teacher’s children.
Carly asked for help in the selection.
Next Meeting: 04/06/2020 at LMS room 203
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)