PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - February 2020
Monday February 3 @ 3:30 pm in Pat Butler Room 7
Present: J. Lynett (Executive Director); F. Kloepper (President/Liberty Rep.); D. Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); M. Flickinger (Liberty; 6-12 Vice President); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); N. Mayer (PB; Membership Chair); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); S. Farrell (WP Representative); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President); P. Diaz (TAABS Representative); K. Hooge (FMS Teacher); B. Boddington (SPED Representative)
Executive Board/Site Representative Council Meeting Minutes
I Approval of minutes from the January Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Susan W./Fred K.)
II Treasurer’s Reports: John Hutchings
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Nancy M./Melissa F.)
Correction: remove “Jim Lynett UPS shipping to USC $22.83)-this was amended in January and deducted then
Political Action Account used for elections regarding school board members, school bonds and parcel tax; $1 per member per month deducted from monthly dues
Motion to approve transfer of funds from non profit business account to the political action account: Approved (Bernadette B./Sabrina H.)
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
Personal email list being compiled
Meet with nonmembers to discuss benefits of joining the union
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Middle School SPED, Programs, Stipends)
Discussion about the all-day board meeting January 25, 2020
Indoor air quality concerns, contact administrator first and then have them contact SIPE when there’s an issue
District reserve is at 3.1% currently
County wants to continue with cuts due to their perception of projected decrease in enrollment, upwards of $2 million
Discussion regarding re-configuration of middle school/elementary schools from current to TK-6 and 7-8; or TK-5, 6th, and 7-8
Concerns about impact/space at elementary sites with re-configuration
Form ad-hoc committee to negotiate stipends; athletic stipends being reduced; Susan W., Diane H., Stephenie W., Kevin Hooge
Discussion regarding staffing analysis and administration; get your concerns to Stephenie W. or Jim L.
LCAP Survey has been distributed via email; some concerns about not receiving it; ask admin if it hasn’t been received
Next LCAP meeting 3/3/2020; concerns about changes in LCAP meetings sites meetings vs general meetings at DO
Concerns about protocol of getting students into opportunity classes
Discussion regarding Almond Acres; per Jim Breschia charter school will be vetoed if PRJUSD is in qualified budget;
State-wide School Bond on March 3rd ballot for $15 million; could bring $$ to our district (Prop 13 new)
Concerns about Medi-Cal billing not happening due to too many students on caseload
$13 million a year on SPED, $7 million of that is an encroachment on the general fund
b) Grievances
None at this time
c) Opportunity Classes
Concerns about protocol in getting students into or out of program
d) 6-12 Issues – Melissa Flickinger
Concerns about GATE program only offered for English classes and not equitable between the middle schools
Concerns about the stipends for walk-on coaches being cut
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker (Grade Re-configuration)
Discussed surveys and not getting adequate information prior to receiving surveys
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Working on email lists
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) New Budget Cuts/Staffing/Seniority for 2020-2021
Concerns about seniority list being sent out; has never been sent out prior to this year; concerns about privacy violations; temporary and probationary teachers are subject to possible non-reelect; no permanent teacher lay-offs
b) Workman’s Comp/SPED/Taxes
If injury occurs, report to administrator, make sure to put in a report
Concerns about the lengthy process of receiving help/workman’s comp protocol
You can go straight to emergency room if you believe it’s warranted; person’s welfare is #1
1099’s were mailed for those receiving greater than $600
c) Data Collection
Google form to be sent out about overages
d) CTA Grants etc.
- $5,000-20,000 due by March 31, 2020; possibility for FMS and TAABS mentorship ideas; want to contact Babette DeCou regarding grant writing
e) Administrators Evaluations
Melissa and Bernadette will look into evaluations for all Administration; PRPE interested in evaluations
f) Surveys/Schools and Community First Petitions
Negotiation Survey and Morale and Discipline Survey
Petitions need to be turned into Jim
g) Social Events
Scheduled for Pappi McGregor’s for March 20 3:30-5:00
Motion to spend $450 for March Social: Approved (Diane H./Bernadette B.)
h) Catastrophic Leave Bank
One request
Motion to approve 30 day block of catastrophic leave Bank: Approved (Susan W./Nancy M.)
i) Elections
Four school board seats up for election this fall: Summers, Ulibari, Peterson, and Bausch
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Nothing to report
Concerns about students in your room for the majority of the day and not on your roster; they should be on roster
Nothing to report
Task force meeting is February 13; continuum of servcies at each site
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Suggested a mentorship program between FMS and TAABS students
No rep present
Concerns about parent conferences and having to meet with all students, even those working at grade level and no behavior issues
Would like for those conferences to be optional for parents
No rep present
Next Meeting: 3/2/20 Kermit King room 801
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)