PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - January 2020
Peterson Room 9 (Starr Wilder’s room) , Monday January 6 @ 3:30 pm
Present: J. Lynett (Executive Director); D. Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); M. Flickinger (Liberty; 6-12 Vice President); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); N. Mayer (PB; Membership Chair); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); C. Wright (LMS Representative); B. Boddington (Special Ed. Rep./AABS Rep.); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); S. Farrell (WP Representative); C. Bradshaw (PRHS Representative); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President); P. Diaz (TAABS Representative); M. Rodriguez (VP; Teacher)
I Approval of minutes from the December Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Bernadette B./Christine W.)
II Treasurer’s Reports: John Hutchings
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Stephenie W./Susan S.W.)
Correction: change “shipping to USC” to “shipping to CFT”;
Discussion of overpayment to Brigid Woods for ½ stipend, will adjust at end of year disbursement
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Middle School SPED, Elementary SPED, Stipends)
Still working on middle school and elementary school SPED
Changes for stipends mainly for coaching positions
January 25th all day school board meeting regarding facilities update, 3 SRO (Student Resource Officer) at both middle schools and high school, budget (need to cut another $1 mill.: decrease projection in ADA and increase in costs), public meeting, self-evaluation of board members and superintendent
b) Grievances
c) Opportunity Classes
Elementary to be held at WP starting January 13th with 5 students; hired a behavioral specialist to teach this class; unclear on protocol of how to get students into program;
d) 6-12 Issues – Melissa Flickinger
Concerns about the middle school Opportunity Class and criteria/protocol for getting a student in or out of the program; concerns about inconsistency in the program and retaining teacher, curriculum, etc; no transition plan; lack of support
Concerns about the number of freshman students failing; needs to be more sharing of data
Concerns about English, math and science classes not being offered to students that are not college bound; need classes for students to be able to graduate; need SDAIE classes available
Concerns about being able to use grant money for classroom materials
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker
Concerns about the elementary school Opportunity Class and criteria/protocol for getting a student in or out of the program; concerns about inconsistency in the program and retaining teacher, curriculum, etc; no transition plan; lack of support
Concerns about curriculum support; collaboration between sites
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Paid fee
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) New Budget Cuts/Staffing for 2020-2021
District has tentative plan for cutting $500K of the new $1 million
b) Indoor Air Quality Concerns
Report to principal, fill out an incident report, SIPE should be contacted and classroom should not be populated until SIPE has cleared the room
Concerns about HVAC temperature set too high; hot air blowing into rooms; gas leak; rotting animal carcasses in ceilings
c) Administrators Evaluations
Will have D.O. and site administration evaluations
d) Surveys/Schools and Community First Petitions
Property tax initiative will target large businesses (i.e. Disneyland, etc)
Residential and small businesses under 50 employees are exempt
If passes, could bring in $4 million for our district
Will provide Morale and Discipline survey and Negotiation survey
e) Social Events
Tentatively March 20th after Staff Development Day Union Social at Pappi’s
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Jim Lynett was interviewed by the Grand Jury regarding PRJUSD
EAP or dual immersion program not being implemented at VP; tentative plan is to place it at WP
Concerns about gas leak and HVAC
Concerns about K-3 not being guaranteed a prep period
Concerns about teachers being denied a 5 year evaluation cycle; need to know the reasons why teachers were denied
Concerns about classroom suspensions being placed in another class; reasons for classroom suspensions in Ed Code have not been changed; make sure to document and fill out suspension forms
Concerns about SLP positions and pay; 22 candidates interviewed, only 1 person hired, and 2 tele-therapists; currently 2 positions open; SLP’s not provided with appropriate staff development; need to adjust salary schedule to hire and retain SLP’s; concerns about SPED administration
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Concerns stated above regarding Opportunity Class in V.e.
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Concerns about fail rates stated above in V.d.
Nothing to report
Next Meeting: 2/3/20 Butler Room 7
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)