PRPE Rep Council & Executive Board Meeting minutes - December 2019
Cool Hand Luke’s, Monday December 2, 2019
Present: J. Lynette (Executive Director); F. Kloepper (President/Liberty Rep.); D. Harris (VP; Recording Secretary); S. Silva-Whedbee (KK; Corresponding Secretary); J. Hutchings (FMS; Treasurer); N. Mayer (PB; Membership Chair); S. Hamilton (FMS Representative); C. Wright (LMS Representative); B. Boddington (Special Ed. Rep./AABS Rep.); J. Jaeger (KK Representative); S. Wilder (VP Representative); S. Farrell (WP Representative); C. Bradshaw (PRHS Representative); S. Walker (PB, TK-5 Vice President)
Please bring your PRPE Election ballots to the meeting! Thank you.
I Approval of minutes from the November Meeting
Motion to approve minutes: Approved (Fred K./Stephenie W.)
II Treasurer’s Reports: John Hutchings
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Approved (Nancy M./Carli B.)
Discussion about refund income for $45.80
CFT approved formula funding grant--about $2100/mo
Discussion about Survey Monkey
Discussion about Political Action Account: school board elections, bonds; $1/mo are redirected to account from members’ dues
III Membership Chair – Nancy Mayer (Email list, Membership Drive)
Working on email list
Will contact new employees that are not members
V. Unfinished business/Updates
a) Negotiations (Middle School SPED, Elementary SPED, Stipends)
SPED Task Force: Concerns about special SPED TOSA position being shared equally not being paid accurately
Discussion about SPED classes in the future
Concerns about extremely disruptive students/suspensions and district moving them sites
District wants to reduce walk-on stipends by 20%; want to encourage staff members to coach
Next Stipend Committee Mtg Wed. Dec 11@ 3:00
Next Budget Advisory Committee Tues., Dec. 3 @ 5:30
General LCAP Meetings beginning in February
PRJUSD Communication mtg Wed., Dec. 4 @ 3:30
School Board mtg. Dec.10 @ 6:00
Discipline Placement Mtg. Dec. 12 @ 3:30
b) Grievances (PRHS)
Last grievance has been resolved
c) PRPE Elections –Results, Installation of New Officers
Candidates were re-elected
Sabrina Hamilton-FMS Site Rep
Christine Wright-LMS Site Rep
Carli Bradshaw-PRHS Site Rep
Gabriella Clark-GB Site Rep
Jillian Jaeger-KK Site Rep
Suzy Farrell-WP Site Rep
Starr Wilder-VP Site Rep
John Hutchings-Treasurer
Susan Whedbee-Corresponding Secretary
Diane Harris-Recording Secretary
Melissa Flickenger-6-12 VP
Motion to approve election results: Approved (Bernadette B./Christine W.)
d) 6-12 Issues – Melissa Flickinger
Not present
e) TK-5 Issues – Stephenie Walker
Concerns about athletes leaving at 1:45 and loss of instructional minutes
f) Digital Newsletter – Susan Whedbee
Nothing to report
g) PAR Report/Website - Fred
Nobody in PAR
VI.New Business
a) Length of Meetings Discussion
Would like to shorten meetings; try to end by 6:00
b) Overage Discussion
No matter how many overages a teacher has, he/she will not be paid more than $450/semester or $300/trimester ($900/year)
Need to have discussion with administrator regarding solutions to overages
Collect data regarding overages to bring to negotiations
Concerns about overages and the differences between TK-5, 6-8, and 9-12
c) Opportunity Class Discussion
Do you need parental permission to place a student in Opportunity?
SPED students, yes, need permission because it’s a change in IEP
Concerns about the inconsistency in protocol for placing/exiting a student in/out Opportunity
Collect and document data on students that may need to be placed in Opportunity
d) SPED Task Force
Discussed during above section V.a.
e) PRJUSD Budget Advisory Committee
Next Budget Advisory Committee Tues., Dec. 3 @ 5:30
f) PRJUSD Calendar Committee (10/23/19)
2 options-3 extra days at the end of the year; or scatter them throughout the year
Concerns about the removal of the 3 extra days and impacting salary
Unsure of next meeting
g) Executive Director Contract
Contract presented/discussed
Discussed petition regarding Prop 13 and the reassesment of larger commercial properties; if it passes, schools will get more monies;
Motion to approve James Lynett as Executive Director for PRPE: Approved (Nancy M./Susan W.)
VII.Reports from Building Reps:
Nothing to report
No Rep present
Concerns about who is doing evaluations for SPED teachers
Concerns about SPED professional development days and appropriate training
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Concerns about Opportunity Class
Concerns about Opportunity Class
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
No Rep present
Nothing to Report
Next Meeting: 1/6/20 Virginia Peterson Room 9
February Meeting 2/3/20 Pat Butler Room
March Meeting 3/2/20 Kermit King Room 801
April Meeting 4/6/20 LMS Room 203
May Meeting 5/4/20 Liberty Room 3
June Meeting 6/1/20 Jim Lynett’s
Meeting adjourned at 6:05
PRPE PAC Board of Directors Meeting (Immediately following PRPE regular meeting)