Ratification. Now What?
Dear All Certificated PRJUSD Staff,
Now that our unsatisfying contract has been ratified by our PRPE Membership I want to say thank you for participating and understanding the district’s financial situation You once again stepped up to bail out the district and help rectify a situation that you had no hand in creating. You have once again proven to be the adults in the room who realize that our children are our most important assets and you are the education professionals that make this district work for our students and our community.
At this time we need to turn our attention to the future and make our voices heard in solidarity to improve our district and provide a positive financial and educational environment for the entire school community. There is much to do and you are needed again to support the necessary changes that some might find too hard to do or find excuses to avoid.
There are seven areas of strategic planning identified by Dr, Dubost and approved by the PRJUSD School Board that require our attention. Please participate in these meetings to voice your concerns and ideas as front line classroom teachers and staff.
- Collective Bargaining/Classified & Certificated – Special Education (SPED), Class Size and Stipends.The district SPED Secondary Committee has met twice and will meet again on 11/1/19 at 3:30 pm at the DO. The Elementary SPED Committee will meet for the first time on 10/28/19 at 3:30 pm at the DO. The district stipend committee will meet for the first time on 10/29/19 at 3:30 pm at the DO. (PRJUSD Participants: Board Member Stephanie Ulibarri, Curt Dubost, Jen Gaviola, Terry Hollen and Classified CSEA and Certificated PRPE members.)
- Attendance Areas/GB Enrollment and Transportation Routes – Meeting dates yet to be set by Dr. Dubost. (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Lance Gannon, Curt Dubost, Brad Pawlowski, Kelly Stainbrook and Nelson Payton)
- Facilities Master Plan Sub-Committee Report and Aquatics Complex – Meeting dates yet to be set by Dr. Dubost (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Joel Peterson, Curt Dubost, Brad Pawlowski, Facilities Master Plan Sub-Committee.)
- Programs and Locations – GATE, VAPA, Elementary PE/Athletics, EAP or other Language Acquisition at VP, Newcomers-FMS/LMS. Meeting dates yet to be set by Dr. Dubost. (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Chris Bausch, Curt Dubost, Carol Kenyon, Babette Decou, Dana Budd, Stacy Summers.) This is an important committee where teachers should be participants.
- Discipline and Alternative Education – Wellness Centers, Alt Ed Options Ages 12-15, Discipline Codes – Meeting dates have yet to be set by Dr. Dubost. (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Chris Arend, Curt Dubost, Joseph Williams, Nate Maas and Dan Sharon.) This is an important committee where teachers should be participants.
- Board Policy Updates – (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Joan Summers, Curt Dubost, Carol Kenyon, Theresa Braden (Dr. Dubost’s secretary)).
- Personnel Acquisition – Staffing Priorities including Mandated Positions, Support Personnel & New Positions, Class Size Reduction and Reductions to Administration Meeting dates have yet to be set by Dr. Dubost but it is intrinsically tied to the PRJUSD Budget Advisory Committee – see below. (PRJUSD Participants: School Board Member Tim Gearhart, Curt Dubost and Jen Gaviola.)
There is also a Calendar Committee (First meeting to be held today 10/23/19 at 3:30 pm at the DO.) Teacher participation is important and there are invited teacher participants who were on this committee last year.
There is also the PRJUSD Budget Advisory Committee (First meeting this school year to be held on 10/24/19 at 5:30 pm at the DO.) The participants in this meeting have already received invitations from CBO Brad Pawlowski.
We have to make major changes in the PRJUSD so that we can regain our 3% plus reserve and lose our SLO County Office of Education (SLOCOE) Fiscal Advisor Diana Larson who has mandated we find $800K more in district budget cuts for the 2020-2021 school year. We begin 2020-2021 Negotiations in April 2020. We can then bargain a new agreement for 2020-2021 that provides a positive settlement.
We also need to restructure programs, staffing and facilities to provide the optimal educational environment for every student in the PRJUSD.
Please participate in this process and make your voices heard in some or all of these areas and help shape the necessary changes in our district. We need you!
Jim Lynett
Paso Robles Public Educators (PRPE) Executive Director